The increasing number of population in the JABODETABEK area as well as which has an effect on increasing the mobility of the population between areas which results in traffic jams.
In an effort to overcome these problems, the government has given confidence to PT Kresna Kusuma Dyandra Marga (KKDM) in the form of a toll road concession agreement (PPJT) No.9 dated December 16, 2011 to participate in carrying out the development of the Bekasi - Cawang - Kampung Melayu Toll Road which connecting Jakarta - Bekasi and vice versa.
Bekasi - Cawang - Kampung Melayu (BECAKAYU) Toll road with a length according to the initial plan of 21,042 km, starting from Kampung Melayu to Duren Jaya, East Bekasi.In the implementation of phase 1, a review is made regarding the constraints faced (in the field and in the agency) so that there are changes in alignments and business plans. According to the revised business plan, Section 1 (Casablanca - Jakasampurna) and Section 2A (Jakasampurna - A. Yani Bekasi) is 16.02 km long, and Section 2B is in a technical and financial study, which changes the end of the toll road from Duren Jaya to Tambun. The Becakayu Toll Road is one of the Government Programs to overcome traffic congestion on the road connecting DKI Jakarta and Bekasi, which is currently in constant traffic jam conditions.

Vision, missions and Goals
To be Professional, Reliable, Tough and Trustworthy Toll Road Company. Oriented towards quality and service to the community, especially Toll Road Users.
To present a toll road infrastructure that is strong, durable, efficient in the long term and meets established technical & service standards;
Providing good, safe, comfortable, smooth and satisfying operational services to the public, especially toll road users;
Supporting Government programs in increasing regional / State economic activities by minimizing high cost transportation and encouraging regional development around toll roads and their supporting areas;
Participate in growing the welfare of the community, especially the surrounding community by providing jobs and reducing unemployment;
To become a company with a professional, transparent, clean, efficient, effective, tough and competent organization and management supported by high technology that continues to be developed, so as to benefit the company that always grows and makes employees and shareholders comfortable.
Assist the Government to realize the Toll Road Development Plan in the JABODETABEK area and increase the capacity of existing toll roads, and;
Support smooth traffic between regions, between residential areas and industrial areas within the JABODETABEK Regional area


organization STRUCTURE


Santosa Brata Kusumah
President Commissioner

Hidayat Kusumo Rahardjo

Hafiz Husein
board of directors

President Director

Dwi Anggoro Setiawan
Director of Finance,
Risk Management & General
The becakayu toll road is an elevated toll road that stretches from Jakarta and Bekasi. The becakayu toll road has a 16 KM.
Section 1: 11.9 km (Casablanca - Jakasampurna) with specification Section 1A: 3.50 km (Casablanca - Cipinang), Section 1B: 3.06 km (Cipinang - Jatiwaringin) dan 1C Section: 5.34 km (Jatiwaringin - Jakasampurna) and Section 2: 4.12 km (Jakasampurna - Tambun) with specification Section 2A: 4.12 km (Jakasampurna - Ahmad Yani Bekasi)

WHISTLE BLOWING SYSTEM - PT Kresna Kusuma Dyandra Marga
Whistleblowing System (WBS) atau Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran (SPP) adalah suatu sistem yang dirancang untuk menerima, menelaah dan menindaklanjuti pengaduan yang disampaikan oleh karyawan atau pihak lainnya.
Terkait dengan usaha penerapan Good Corporate Governance (GCG) dan termasuk di dalamnya pemberantasan korupsi, suap dan praktek kecurangan lainnya, bahwa cara yang paling efektif untuk mencegah dan memerangi praktik yang bertentangan dengan Good Corporate Governance adalah melalui mekanisme pelaporan pelanggaran (Whistleblowing System) yang akan terlihat jumlah kecurangan yang berhasil dideteksi, dan waktu penindakannya relatif lebih singkat dibandingkan dengan cara lainnya.
Pelaporan pelanggaran dapat dilaporkan secara anonim, maupun dengan dilengkapi identitas pelapor. Dalam hal pelaporan penyimpangan dilakukan dengan menyertakan nama pelapor, maka Perusahaan menjamin kerahasiaan identitas pelapor. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengurangi anonimitas laporan, perusahaan memastikan bahwa kebijakan perlindungan pelapor, kerahasiaan pelapor dan jaminan keamanannya benar-benar dapat terlaksana dan dapat dirasakan oleh seluruh personil Perusahaan.
Pelaporan dapat dilakukan dengan link bit.ly/WBSKKDM atau dengan Scan Barcode dibawah ini